MegaSun / KBL – Functional Fine Fragrances

MegaSun s among worldwide’s best solariums. Customer experience is focused on vitality, fitness, beauty and cosmetics when users go into MegaSun studios and use one the tanning beds which are self manufactured. Scentcommunication develops specific scent delivery systems for tanning beds which allow the user to choose between different scents and to precisely control intensities, so that wellness effects are maximized when the air is discretely scented during the tanning experience.

Scent: We have developed a fragrance portfolio which supports the impact on wellness and relaxation. “Sunrise” and “Daydream” create an either comforting and warm sensation or lead the user to a tropical vacation - additional scents are developed for new tanning beds with an emphasis on design quality.

Technology: Scentcommunication has developed scent delivery systems which are designed to fit specific requirements of a tanning bed. They allow precise controllability and due to the dry scent storage material the scent experience is very subtle and gentle. Without liquids sensitive reactions are avoided and the system is very easy to handle.